Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP) is working to increase farmer’s income and livelihood resilience through demand-led productivity growth, diversification and marketing in a changing climatic condition in Southern Bangladesh, which is the mandated strategic agenda for country’s agricultural development. The project supports production enhancement, identify market opportunities for both fresh and processed products, and value added post-harvest management, builds competitiveness in high value crops (HVCs) to move households from subsistence farming into commercial farming. This project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB). Along with technical assistance of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), four different agencies of Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) are responsible for implementing the project objectives. They are Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), the lead agency, Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). The SACP project is being implemented in 11 districts covering 30 Upozilas in the southern region of Bangladesh, 250 unions are selected based on targeting criteria.
Specific objective of the project
Component 1 Enhanced production of HVCs and technology adoption
- Assessment of HVCs and group mobilization
- Demand-driven production and market-led research
- Institutional support for research and extension
Component 2 Processing and Marketing of HVCs
- Improving marketing linkage
- Increasing post-harvest and processing investments
- Development of food safety and nutrition measures along the value chain
Component 3 Climate Resilient Surface Water Management
- Sustainable surface water management, drainage, conservation and Utilization
- Institutional support for Capacity building
The TA component strengthens the capacity of implementing agencies through
- Training of trainer’s activities and follow-up coaching
- Assisting the development of a benefit M&E system
- Supporting value chain and other market-led studies
Project Implementation period
Date of Commencement: 01 July 2018
Date of completion: 30 June 2024
Mode of Financing: Loan and Grant
Office Address: Sech bhaban 5th floor , 22 Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207